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HOBO U14 LCD Logger - Ext.Temperature/RH Data Logger - U14 With LCD


he HOBO U14 LCD External Temperature/Relative Humidity (RH) Data Logger displays and records temperature and humidity conditions. It is well-suited for use in manufacturing, processing, and storage environments where reliable monitoring and documentation of specific temp/RH conditions are critical. Data is offloaded via USB to a PC or Mac computer. An alarm display and built-in relay for use with Onset's Remote Alarm and/or Autodialer accessories assure timely notification of alarm conditions.




  • Faster USB data download time
  • Improved Temp/RH sensor resolution
  • Real-time display of Temperature and RH
  • Alarm display and output ensure timely notification of out-of-range conditions
  • Two models to choose from - internal Temp/RH or external Temp or Temp/RH
  • Optional Remote Alarm and Autodialer
  • Optional protective case for wet or condensing environments
  • The U14-002 Data Logger is for use in Indoor environments
  • The U14-002 Data Logger supports the following measurements (sensors sold separately): Relative Humidity, Temperature



  • Operating temperature range -20°C to +50°C, (-4°F to +122°F) , 0 to 100% RH non-condensing
  • Operating relative humidity range 0 to 95%, non-condensing, noncorrosive environment


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