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Leeb Hardness Tester HM-6561 HM-6560


  •  Die cavity of molds
  •  Inspection of bearing and other mass produced parts on a production line
  •  Failure analysis of pressure vessel, steam generator and other equipment
  •  Inspection of installed machinery, permanent parts of assembled systems and heavy work pieces.
  •  Testing surface of a small hollow space
  •  Material identification in the warehouse of metallic materials
  •  Rapid testing in large range and multi-measuring areas for large-scale work piece


  •  Palm size for narrow space
  •  Test at any angle, even upside down
  •  Direct display of hardness scales HRB, HRC,HV,HB,HS,HL.
  •  Large memory could store 50 groups including single measured value, impact direction, material and hardness scale etc.
  •  User recalibration function allowed
  •  Can communicate with PC computer for statistics and printing by the optional cable
  •  Manual of automatic shut down
  •  Low battery indication




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