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Shore Hardness Tester HT-6510F


Durometer Type F is an exclusive design for testing soft cellular materials. The large diameter presser foot and cylindrical indentor configuration allow measurement by direct application to the test specimen


  •  With INTEGRATED (built-in) PROBE and designed to determine the hardness of materials
  •  Equipped with wide measuring range and high resolution
  •  Conforms with the essential health and safety requirements set out by the European Directives along with ISO-7619 and ISO-868, DIN53505, ASTM D 2240, and JIS K7215 set standards
  •  Uses Microcomputer LSI circuit and crystal time base to offer high accuracy measurement & fast measuring time
  •  Uses operation stand capable of applying the specimen to the indentor with sufficient recommended force that allows accurate and repeatable hardness tests to increased stability and maximum repeatability
  •  Automatically switch off after about 2 minutes and also gives you the freedom to manually switch it off anytime to conserves batteries
  •  Delivers ultra accurate reading with no guessing errors
  •  Features instant, easy to read, legibly written results indicating a specific value, with a 0.1 resolution
  •  Complete with FREE sturdy carrying case with contoured rubber compartments that fits the device perfectly, sandwiched between rubber & foam when closed to achieve optimum shock absorption
  •  Use anywhere and suitable for use in the laboratory or in field conditions


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