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Digital Brinell Hardness Tester TIME®6202


Hardness (hardness) is one of the mechanical properties (Mechanical properties) of a material.
The hardness of a material must be known especially for materials which in its use will have a frictional force 
and are judged by the size of the mechanical properties of the material obtained from PLASTIC DEFORMATION (the deformation
provided and after being released, does not return to the initial form indented by an object or material as a test instrument.


?Combination of the precise mechanical structure, high accurate pressure transducer, microcomputer control unit of electrical circuit system, innovative closed-loop technology to improve its stability and accuracy.
?Load-cell driven system provides precise control of the test force, providing unsurpassed system performance without weight blocks
?Reliable repetition, sensitive and accurate readings and easy operation
?Indentation directly measured by the microscope, the diameter, the hardness value,17 different hardness testing comparison tables as well as the HBW range display on the LCD screen
?RS232 interface, printer optional
?Perfect for laboratories, workshops, tool rooms, inspection labs, etc.
?A wide range of test forces and ball sizes to suit every application



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