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Ball Anemometer


The ball type anemometer is a great tool to catch wind gust. The sampling rate is 1Hz which makes this device to be a proper supplement forDynaRoot or DynaTree users or any other cases when measuring wind gusts is essential.


Usage Instruction

The ball type anemometer can be used alone or on the top of one of our poles or as part of DynaRoot or DynaTree systems.
  1. Assemble the anemometer in the vicinity of the tree(s) to be assessed.
  2. If you are using a pole attach the anemometer on the top, and erect the tower. Wind velocity readings are sent to, and data is collected at the data logger located at the bottom of the tower.
  3. Start recording data by pressing the START button located in the data logger.
  4. After the recordings are finished, transfer the acquired data to a PC by removing the internal SD card or by switching the instruments to Wi-Fi mode.


  • Anemometer (ball type) and recorder
  • Case



Sampling rate 1 Hz

Measurement range 0-110 km/h

Accuracy 0.2 km/h

Integrated GPS G-STAR IV BU-353-S4

Maximal SD card size 8GB

Wheatherproof yes, IP65


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