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Portable Lumber Grader


Structural lumber strength classes are determined by the EN-338 norm. The Portable Lumber Grader is designed to grade lumber according to the above norm, that handles two different species classes: deciduous and coniferous including poplar. Grading is based on the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and the average specific gravity of the lumber. The Portable Lumber Grader system determines the MOE and specific gravity as quickly as possible (1 second/lumber).


Usage Instruction

  1. Load weighing scale.
  2. Hit the end of the lumber by a hammer.
  3. The results appear on the screen and, at the same time, also played as a voice message.



  • Weighing scale
  • Scale display unit
  • Tape measure
  • Steel hammer (100 g)
  • Battery and charger
  • Microphone
  • USB to serial converter cable
  • Portable Lumber Grader Software
  • User's manual



Weighing scale

Dimensions 250 x 75 x 90 mm

Capacity 30-500 kg

Resolution 10 g

Output RS232 signal

Power supply 12 V adapter or 4 AA size batteries


Type Unidirectional

Sensitivity -56 dB (0 dB = 1 V/mbar at 1000 Hz)

Frequency range 100 - 15000 Hz

Operational temperature 5 - 40 °C


Weight 0.1 – 3% of the lumber weight


Principle mass, CKDR and MOE determination

Time requirement ~1 s

Grading table identical to the EN-338 norm


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