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UltraSonic Timer


Ultrasonic velocity is a basic parameter for the nondestructive evaluation of trees, seedlings, woods, veneers, wood panel products and concrete. Defect localization and material property determination is possible by measuring ultrasonic velocity. This equipment is designed for veneer and seedling tests.

Usage Instruction

  1. Connect the two pieso-electric transducers' cables to the "probes" connectors of the timer.
  2. Couple the transducer to the sample. Poor coupling results in poor or incorrect result.
  3. Switch on the timer. Transit time in μs appears on the screen. The first readout after switch on is “0000”. This is normal.
  4. Please check 2-3 readouts. If the deviation between the readouts is not more than 1 μs, accept the data. Record the readout and change sample.


  • UltraSonic timer display unit
  • Sensors as specified by the user
  • Plastic case
  • 9V rechargeable battery and charger
  • User's manual
  • Oscilloscope (optional)


Weight * 910 g

Dimensions: 297 x 106x 45 mm

Material of the case: Al

Timer frequency range: 15-300 kHz

Time resolution: 0.1 μs

Signal amplification: 1000x

Threshold level: 120 mV

Excitation pulse

frequency one in 2 sec

voltage 200 V

duration 60 μs

shape uni-polar, square

Powered by 9 V block battery

Power consumption

timer 70 mW

excitation unit 120 mW

Ultrasonic transducer frequency

with spike wave guide 90 kHz

with triangle wave guide 45 kHz

Operation and storage temperature 0-35 °C

*including batteries


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