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Mechanical car stabilizer fatigue testing machine


The WPJ-20 mechanical vehicle stabilizer fatigue tester uses a traditional crank-link mechanism to convert the rotary motion of the motor into a linear reciprocating motion , and then the swing lever drives the stabilizer bar to complete the reciprocating push-pull fatigue test of the stabilizer bar. In addition to the fatigue test, a static test test device has been added to the test bench. The stabilizer bar is not disassembled and can be tested for performance by rotating the position.


Maximum test force (push-pull force): 20kN

Number of test stations:  1

Amplitude (swing arm stroke is the push-pull length): Max: ±100mm adjustable

Test frequency: 1-3HZ                 

The length of the stabilizer bar to be tested: 600 ~ 1500mm can be adjusted (manual mode)

Installation distance between two axes: 500~1200mm can be adjusted (manual mode)

The arm length of the tested stabilizer bar:  150~500mm can be adjusted (manual mode)  

Length between the arm length and the length of the stabilizer bar: 0 to 200 mm can be adjusted (manual mode)

Number of trials Counter capacity: 9×10 9

Function: set the number of tests to stop automatically; the test piece breaks automatically and stops; both ends are loaded at the same time, that is, the two swing arms of the test piece simultaneously do the opposite movement

Display: Digital display or microcomputer displays the number of tests, test frequency, test start and stop time, etc.

Power supply voltage: three-phase four-wire system 380V, 50Hz


The adjustment of the test frequency of the equipment is realized by the frequency converter.

Amplitude adjustment The distance of the linear reciprocating motion can be adjusted by adjusting the eccentricity of the slider. 

It has three directions of X, Y and Z pre-adjustment devices, which can be freely adjusted according to the length of the stabilizer bar, the arm length, and the angle between the arm length and the length.

The host part has a security protection network.


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