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uv accelerated weathering test machine


v accelerated weathering test machine ,which as a kind of environment test chamber ,can be simulated by the harm the sun, rain and dew on materials caused, QUV use fluorescent ultraviolet (UV) lamps simulate the effect of sunlight, the proposed use of cold rain and dew moisture, was placed on the test material under a certain temperature alternating light and moisture cycle program for testing, QUV with a few days or weeks of testing, we can reproduce the hazards outdoors for several months to several years appeared.and mainly used for UV coating ink, paint, resins, plastics, printing and packaging, aluminum, cement, automobile motorcycle industry, cosmetics, metal, electronics, electroplating, medicine, etc.



Meet Specifications

* Meet customer requirements

* Stay ahead of government regulations

Prevent Field Failures

* Improve quality and durability

* Enhance reputation

* Assure product performance

Gain a Competitive Edge



1. Simulate the sun, rain spray and condensation resulting damage to test the materials by exposure to sunlight with moisture and temperature.

2. To get the results of damage after several days or weeks which is equal to expose to outside for a few months. The damages include fading, discoloration, brightness down, powder, crack, blur, brittle, strength decreases and oxidation.

3. Provide reference with testing data for improvement of existing materials, or to assess the impact of changes in product durability and other aspects.


 Design criteria:

 Accelerated Weather UV test machine

 (1) ASTM D4587: Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings

(2) ASTM D4799: Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering Test Conditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Fluorescent UV, Water Spray, and Condensation Method)

(3) ISO 4892-1: Plastics – Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources – Part 1: General guidance

(4) ISO 4892-3: Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources - Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps

(5) ASTM D4329: Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV Exposure of Plastics

(6) AATCC TM186: Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure

(7) ASTM D5208: Standard Practice for Fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV) Exposure of Photodegradable Plastics

(8) IEC 61345: UV Test for Photovaltalic (PV) Modules


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