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HOBO Conductivity Data Logger - U24-002-C


The HOBO U24-002-C is a cost-effective data logger for measuring salinity, conductivity and temperature in saltwater environments with relatively small changes in salinity (±5,000 μS/cm) such as saltwater bays, or to detect salinity events such as upwelling, rainstorm, and discharge events. It can also be used to gather salinity data for salinity compensation of HOBO U26 Dissolved Oxygen logger data.

Note: When monitoring salinity in waters with more than +/-5,000 uS/cm variation, refer to the accuracy shown in Plot C in the product specifications to determine if the accuracy is acceptable for your needs. Monthly field calibration readings are typically required to achieve the best accuracy.


The U24-002-C Data Logger is for use in Outdoor and Underwaterenvironments

The U24-002-C Data Logger supports the following measurements:

Temperature, Conductivity/Salinity


  • Non-contact sensor provides long life
  • Provides easy access to sensor for cleaning and shedding air bubbles
  • Two user-selectable ranges provide measurements from 100 to 55,000 uS/cm.
  • The Delrin housing will not corrode in saltwater
  • HOBOware Pro software enables start/end-point calibration to compensate for any fouling and provides easy conversion to specific conductance and salinity using the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78)
  • USB optical interface provides high-speed, reliable salinity data offload in wet environments
  • Compatible with the HOBO Waterproof Shuttle for easy and reliable data retrieval and transport


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