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TIME5432C Shore Hardness Tester for Microporous Materials


TIME5432C is a derivative of TIME5432 Shore AO Durometer. It also adopts the AO type indenter, but has a rectangular press foot. It is designed to test microporous materials for shoes made of rubber and plastic when the compression is 50% and the stress is 0.049 MPa or more.


  • Digital hardness tester for microporous materials for shoes made of rubber and plastic.
    It adopts LVDT displacement sensor, which is accurate and can work in harsh environment with the humidity of 90%RH.
  • The OLED screen clearly shows the hardness value. Menu operation.
  • Automatic Zero point calibration.
  • Three work modes to meet varied testing requirements: real-time, peak-value-lock and timing-lock. The lock modes can guarantee the reading rules and reduce the human reading errors.
  • In peak-value-lock mode, the instrument can automatically lock the peak hardness value.
  • In timing-lock mode, the user can set the timing duration from 1 to 60 seconds. The instrument automatically starts timing and automatically locks the measured value.
  • In the lock modes, the upper and lower limits of the measured value can be preset, and a prompt is displayed when out of the limit, which is convenient for batch detection. It also has the function of calculating the average value and automatically removing gross errors.
  • Store 200 average lock values.
  • Optional software is offered to transfer the test data to PC via USB in the format of Microsoft Word or Excel.
    It can work continuously for over 24 hours.
  • Voltage display and low-voltage prompt.
  • Auto shut down and the function is adjustable.
  • Operation stand is selectable to enhance the stability of the test.


Technical Specifications

Hardness scale: Asker-c
Testing range: 0~100Hc
Tolerance: ≤±1Hc (20~90Hc)
Resolution: 0.1Hc
Power: Built-in rechargeable lithium battery


Standard Delivery

Main unit
Median test block


Optional Delivery

Communication cable
Operation stand


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