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Varimacndt Varimac eddy current sensor


Eddy current comparators operate on the principle that when a metal part is placed inside or near a test coil which is excited by an alternating current, the voltage output from the coil will be affected. This effect is directly related to the permeability, conductivity, and physical dimensions of the part. Essentially, the instrument “compares” these variations in the test part to conditions in a known sample. Variations in hardness or heat treatment, for example, create a change in permeability; changes in alloy affect conductivity; and significant dimensional changes affect both conductivity and permeability. These changes in the coil result in displayed signals which can be selected based on differences in amplitudes, phase angles, or harmonic distortion, using the Varimac Vi’s thresholds and target regions.


PLATFORM Intel® Core 2 Duo low power processor, single
board computer with 64 GB hard drive or better &
Windows OS.


CHANNELS Single channel comparator operation


100 Hz - 20


FILTER Low Pass positions will be chosen from discrete
steps that correspond to Hertz (flaw Freq.). The
filter can be turned OUT


PHASE 0 - 359º calibrated in 1º steps
SENSITIVITY 0 - 99 dB, calibrated in 1-dB steps


Elliptical or rectangular. Each can be independently adjusted.


CALIBRATION Internally generated signal provides a system check for repeatability of all parameters.


BALANCE Auto balance for entire frequency range by pressing “BAL” key

A back panel output connector is provided for an optional external monitor. A full trace for each piece is displayed until the next piece comes on screen. Peak signals remain on screen up to the selected number of pieces.

SETUP Software controls for all functi



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