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Eddy Current Instrument for Encircling Coil, Sector and Rotary Probe Testing of Tube, Bar, & Wire


  • Versatile Threshold Selection
  • Up to 8 Channels


Multimac Screens for
Operation and Control


  • EC Screen
  • Multi Screen
  • Chart Screen
  • Track Screen



CHANNELS Up to 8 test channels. Software configurable as Flaw (Differential), or Absolute for use with
Encircling or Sector Coils or Rotary test Probes.

TEST FREQUENCY 1KHz to 5 MHz. 20 pre-selected frequencies, or user selection of any specific frequency.

FLAW BANDWIDTH Variable up to 5 KHz.

FILTERS High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, BP-Auto and Out.
Fixed filter positions adjustable from 0.1 Hz to 5000 Hz flaw frequency.
The bandwidth of the BP filter can be selected through a “Q” factor dictating the ratio of high
to low pass filters.


Auto speed shift control, used with the optional encoder, adjusts filters to the optimum
frequency for the line speed. In rotary test applications, the filter is governed by the RPM and
material diameter.

PHASE 0 - 359º, calibrated in 1º steps.

SENSITIVITY 0 - 99 dB, calibrated in 1dB steps.

Selections include All Phase, Sector, Chord, and Half Chord, all assignable with up to three
levels. The sector threshold can be rotated to any phase angle. There are counters for active
thresholds and each active gate. Only active thresholds display on the screen. The threshold
selection feature allows complex gating for challenging test conditions.

These circuits may be selected to improve the apparent linear signal-to-noise ratio of signals
in any phase. Circuits include A+, V+H- and V++H-. The H- has an adjustable H- factor. V+Hand
V++H- are primarily for rotary applications.

All differential channels, are continually tracked to ensure proper balance of the test sensors.
MultiMac automatically rebalances if the test system is out of balance, to assure reliable test
function, even under adverse conditions. The System Ready Indicator will indicate if the
power, coil condition and balance are not adequate.

CALIBRATION Internally generated signal provides a system check for repeatability of all parameters.

LOCKOUT MODE Prevents unauthorized changes to instrument settings.

END SUPPRESSION Optional external switch end sensor and optional encoder to suppress end signals.

SOFTWARE CONTROL Control of all functions is set through keyboard entry and/or mouse.


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