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Rotoflux AC


The new Rotoflux® AC, based on MAC’s many years of developing flux leakage technology, gives customers the ability to test products such as hot rolled bar with surface conditions that used to make finding shallow defects very difficult, if not impossible.


  • A Simple adjusting tool allows quick resetting for dimensional changes.
  • Rotating the adjusting tool clockwise or counter clockwise automatically positions the probes further apart or closer together.
  • A convenient scale on the headplate indicates the set diameter.
  • Triple guide roll assemblies on incoming and outgoing sides swing open to allow easy access.


  • Wireless signal transfer minimizes noise while maximizing sensitivity.
  • Detect longitudinal flaws as small as 0.1mm deep on hot rolled bars and rods.
  • Provides full quadrature detection to preserve phase selectability, choice of all phase and chord gates, similar to conventional eddy current tester.
  • New Probe screen with sensitivity and phase adjustment for each individual channel.
  • 2 surface ride Probe Arrays consisting of 8 elements each cover 160mm per rotation
  • Operates up to 1500 rpm, depending on product diameter.
  • Throughput speed of 4m/s (800 FPM) with larger diameters requiring slower FPM.
  • Models designed to test hot rolled bar from 15mm to 180mm in diameter


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