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Rotoflux Multichannel MFL


MAC’s Rotoflux® Multiplex Electronics—Magnetic Flux Leakage testing that provides superior technology, performance and versatility


  • Transverse and longitudinal defect detection meets API standards for OCTG products plus critical API 5CT and 5L, ASTM E570, and ISO requirements.
  • Multiplex probe system allows individual probe signal adjustment for accurate defect location and marking.
  • Retractable probe assemblies accurately test upset and irregular ends.
  • All standard parameters, including sensitivity, filters, and thresholds for each probe are set through on-screen menus.
  • Each probe can be independently adjusted, or automatically calibrated, for gain or sensitivity on-screen.
  • Compatible with Windows® OS platform to store results and unlimited setups.
  • Software controlled setup of flaw track output delay, applicable to any of six outputs, and end suppression.
  • Special operation mode can suppress signals from acceptable welds in welded steel.
  • On screen guide helps operators differentiate between most ID and OD defects.
  • Color-coded triangles help highlight the defect signals.


  • Accurately tests oil country tubular goods (OCTG), bars and parts at test speeds up to 700 FPM.
  • Offers 24 separate channels for longitudinal and 48 channels for transverse defect detection.
  • LRFX rotaries use transverse magnetism to find longitudinal defects such as seams, laps and weld line defects.
  • TRFX rotaries use longitudinal magnetization and provide 100% surface coverage to detect transverse defects.
  • Both rotary types detect pits, scabs, slivers, gouges, roll-ins, cracks and holes depending on defect orientation.
  • Differentiates between OD and ID defects.
  • Detects longitudinal and transverse defects as small as 5% on OD and ID, depending upon material type and condition.
  • System provides 100% surface coverage to detect transverse defects.
  • Systems are available to test up to 500mm diameter and 19mm wall thickness tubes.


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