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Echomac PA Wheel Tester


MAC’s new Echomac® PA Wheel Tester is a cost-effective solution for wheel tread inspection or as a prove up tool for shops using automated inspection systems. The test is conducted with a phased array probe incorporated in a hand held mechanical fixture, designed to ensure stable coupling using “bubbler” immersion techniques. Integrated magnets hold the fixture on the tread and provide easy handling.


  • 19” Touch Screen
  • Step by Step screens for the operator
  • Bar Code Entry and auto select setup
  • Alarm for loss of interface, backwall drop, defect detection. (Visual, Audio and On screen)
  • C-Scan imaging of test results (Top View)
  • Position Encoded C-scans to locate defects on the wheel circumference
  • Offline Data Analysis software for Level 3
  • Digital inspection data can be saved per wheel serial number for future reference.
  • 128 element phased array probe, local immersion coupling
  • Meets or exceeds national and international standards like EN13262, ISO5948 or AAR M-107/M-208 Rim inspection radial (Tread) Per EN 13262 with defect sizes of 1,2,3 mm FBH and untested depth of 5mm* while complying with ISO 5948.
  • Compatible with European or US wheel tread geometries
  • Handles Wheel diameters 650 - 1350 mm




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