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HOBO Energy Logger - H22-001


Monitor energy and industrial equipment with this 15-channel data logger. With multiple channels, energy and facility managers can quickly and easily detect and address a variety of issues relating to HVAC, machinery, and other systems.  The HOBO Energy Data Logger is modular and more economic than its alternatives because a toolbox full of data loggers is not necessary.

Deploy this product with a variety of pre-defined plug-and-play smart sensors to create a robust monitoring system. Compatible with HOBOware® software, researchers can conduct effective data analysis in minutes.



  • Onset's most flexible data logger records up to 15 channels of over a dozen measurements
  • Provides 12v excitation for third-party sensors
  • Pre-configured smart sensors get you started fast
  • Signal conditioning modules retain configurations until you change them, providing plug-and-play convenience for commonly used sensors
  • Flexible power options include battery operation for AC power adapter


The H22-001 Data Logger is for use in Indoor environments

The H22-001 Data Logger supports the following measurements (sensors sold separately):

Temperature, Relative Humidity, 4-20mA, AC Current, AC Voltage, Air Velocity See more


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