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Holiday Detector | DC Holiday Detector


Measuring Ranges:
Model DC15: 0 to 15,000 Volts
Model DC30: 0 to 30,000 Volts

Model DC15: 10 Volts
Model DC30: 10 Volts

The PCWI Compact Holiday Detector is a High Voltage DC Porosity detector also known as holiday detectors, spark testers, porosimeters or jeepers. These are used to ensure the longevity of coating systems by locating pin holes, air bubbles, and porosity in non-conductive coatings on conductive substrates, including concrete. Suitable for production pipeline coating operations, tankwork and structures. Ideal for use on storage tanks, valves and pipelines.


  • Light weight ABS case
  • Digital display of applied voltage with integral battery condition indicator
  • Regulated DC voltage
  • Momentary on-switch allows for automatic shut-off
  • Voltage ranges of 0 to 15kV or 0 to 30kV, fully adjustable
  • Clip-on battery pack
  • Constant test current
  • Sensitivity control
  • Overcharge protection
  • Single power supply
  • Earphones for noisy environments
  • Optional on/off switch in handle



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