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WAW-600DL Servo Hydraulic


WAW- DL Servo Hydraulic Tensile Testing Machine is mainly used for tensile test with high efficiency requirement. Equipped with relevant fixtures, this machine can also be used for compression, bending and shearing etc. tests. Constant strain, Constant stress and constant displacement test are available. Strain velocity, stress velocity and displacement velocity conform to the requirement of GB, ASTM, DIN, ISO, JIS, BS etc. metal tensile testing standards.


It is an ideal equipment for tensile test of metal rod, board, screw, steel strand (with special fixture) etc. material with high stiffness.



-       Long travel double-action oil cylinder with high accuracy & close sealing to meet the requirement of different specimen lengths or specimen with high elongation.

-       High stiffness load frame with low gravity center. Impact with specimen broken was released by hydraulic unit to max. decrease the noise and vibration.

-       Upper oil cylinder design grant a lower tensile space makes the operation very easy.

-       GTM (Germany) Double-Flange double direction load cell with high linearity to ensure the high accuracy of test result.

-       Non-step in full testing range.

-       High quality hydraulic components to avoid the leakage and protect the testing environment.

-       MOOG (USA) DDV D633 Servo Valve ensures high response speed and high control accuracy.

-       Over-load, over-flow, over-temperature self-detection.

-       Close-loop control system with test load, displacement, deformation control modes, and a smooth switch among each mode.


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