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FDT-01 Flex Durability Tester


FDT-01 Flex Durability Tester is designed to evaluate the flex resistance or flex durability of flexible films, laminated films and coated films and etc. It simulates the straining and creasing abuse to flexible packaging materials during production, processing and transportation. After the test, the flex resistance of the materials can be determined by measuring the changes in pinholes or barrier properties and thus provides guidance for packaging design and practical application.


  • Micro-computer control, LCD display
  • Menu interface, PVC operation panel
  • Five standard testing modes
  • Four-station design
  • Automatic position reset
  • Dual safety protection by software and hardware
  • Mini-printer


Twist frequency 45 cycles/minute
Twist angle 440°(90mm) or 400°(80mm)
Horizontal stroke 155mm or 80mm
No. of work station 4
No. of specimens 1~4 pieces
Specimen size 280mm x 200mm
Dimensions 724mm(L)×644mm (B)×615mm (H)
Power AC 220V 50Hz
Net weight 119kg


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