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TST XIS-5335


TST XIS-5335



Sensitivity                   39 AWG Typical,38 AWG Standard
spatial Resolution        1.0 mm Horizontal,1.0 mm Vertical
Penetration 1              12 mm steel typical,1.0 mm standard
contarst sensitivity       24 visible levels,4096 gray level
Shipping Dimensions:  2972 mm x 1499 mm x 2235 mm
( L x W x H )               117.0" x 59.0" x 88.0"
Net weght 2      :          982 kgs (2166 lbs)   
Shipping Weght 2 :       1299 kgs (2864 lbs)
conveyor speed   :        0.23 m/s (44ft/min) In Both Directions
conveyor height  :         715 mm (28.14")from floor
conveyor speed   :        200 kgs (440 lbs) Evenly Distributed load
construction     :           Custom steel frame / panels


Voltage                       90 kV Operating at 84kV
Tube Current                0.5 mA
cooling                        Sealed Di-Electric Oil Bath with Forced Air
Duty cycle                    100% No Warm-Up Procedure Required
Beam Direction            Diagonally Upward
Detector                      1024 Channels in L- Shaped Array
Net weght 2      :          982 kgs (2166 lbs)   
Shipping Weght 2 :       1299 kgs (2864 lbs)
conveyor speed   :        0.23 m/s (44ft/min) In Both Directions
conveyor height  :         715 mm (28.14")from floor
conveyor speed   :        200 kgs (440 lbs) Evenly Distributed load
construction     :           Custom steel frame / panels


Tunnel size :              533 mm x 354 mm
(W x H)                     21.0" x 13.9"
Dimensions :              1325 mm x 762 mm x 1223 mm
( L x W x H )               52.2" x 30.0 " 48.1"
Shipping Dimensions :  1473 mm x 899 mm x 1511 mm
( L x W x H )               58.0" x 35.0" x 59.5"
Net weght 2      :          284 kgs (628 lbs)   
Shipping Weght 2 :       402 kgs (888 lbs)
conveyor speed   :        0.23 m/s (44ft/min) In Both Directions
conveyor height  :         730 mm (28.7")from floor
conveyor speed   :        165 kgs (363 lbs) Evenly Distributed load
construction     :            Custom steel frame / panels


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