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Pulse Data Logger 4-Channel HOBO - UX120-017M


The HOBO UX120 Pulse Data Logger is a highly versatile, 4-channel energydata logger that combines the functionality of four separate data loggers into one compact unit. It enables energy management professionals – from energy auditors to building commissioners – to easily track building energy consumption, equipment runtimes, and water and gas flow rates. The HOBO UX120 Pulse Data Logger is available in a standard memory model (UX120-017) capable of 500,000 measurements and an expanded memory version (UX120-017M) capable of over 4,000,000 measurements.


The UX120-017M Data Logger is for use in Indoor environments

The UX120-017M Data Logger supports the following measurements (sensors sold separately):

State, Event, Runtime or Pulses from a variety of sensors including energy and flow meters.


  • Simultaneously measures and records pulse signals, events, state changes, and runtimes
  • Stores up to over 4 million measurements, enabling longer deployments with fewer site visits
  • Maximum pulse rate – 120 Hz
  • Pulse input range – 0 to 24VDC
  • Streamlines deployment via a range of start/stop options, logger status LEDs, and high-speed USB 2.0 data offload
  • Works with Onset's Energy & Power Meter to measure Power Factor (PF), Reactive Power (VAR), Watt Hours (Wh) and more. Learn how.
    The T-VER-E50B2 Energy and Power Meter outputs (3) sets of pulses which are logged by the UX120-017. These pulses represent Watt-hours, Amp-hours, and VAR-hours. HOBOware software uses these pulse values to caclulate AC Current, AC Voltage, kW, Power Factor, VARs, and VA. The formulas used in these calculations can be found here: 14993-A-Derived-Channels.zip
  • Compatible with HOBOware and HOBOware Pro software for logger setup, graphing and analysis


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