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TC100/110 is a portable non-destructive rebar testing instrument. Its electromagnetic induction method can fast, exactly, nondestructively locate the rebar and confirm the direction. In addition, it can exactly test the diameter of the rebar and the thickness of the covering layer. It is a kind of intelligent nondestructive test equipment possessing the functions of automatic detection, data memory and output


  • Acceptance inspection of cover after formwork is removed
  • Locate rebars to avoid them when drilling holes
  • Provide essential data (location, cover, diameter of rebars) for strength calculations of reinforced concrete structures
  • Measuring concrete cover thickness
  • Quality assurance in mass production of fabricated concrete elements
  • Measuring the thickness of concrete over steel reinforcement and metal pipes
  • Signal strength bar display and sound alarm for high accuracy
  • Real time graphic output both to screen and printer
  • Data processing software compatible with windows 95/98/2000/Me/WT/XP
  • Auto calibration, correct the system error
  • Three scan modes for TC110:grid pattern, profile scan and large area scan
  • For TC110: direct display grid and profile image of rebars


Other special testing conditions

  • Avoid strong magnetic field interruption
  • Avoid high temperature
  • Has no corrosive gas in the atmosphere



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