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Inspecting Oil Country Tubular Goods


With over 85 years of experience, MAC has a wide variety of custom designed systems for the inspection of oil country tubular goods (OCTG) and other oil and gas products that not only meet individual client specifications, but that of API 5CT and 5L, ASTM, and ISO.

MAC’s highly trained and knowledgeable engineers, field staff, and representatives provide superior NDT equipment, services, and training worldwide.

MAC’s Rotoflux® flux leakage and Echomac® ultrasonic inspection systems are the best suited for inspecting heavy wall pipe for wall thickness variations, laminations, longitudinal, transverse, ID/OD, and internal defects. These rotary systems are designed to inspect pipe up to 500mm in diameter.

MAC eddy current systems such as the Multimac® and the Minimac® 40 are also available for thinner wall pipe.


  • Line Pipe- (Larger diameter, relatively thin wall)
  • Drill Pipe- (Typically heavy wall seamless tubes)
  • Casing – (Mainly seamless but may be welded)
  • Sucker Rods- (In Cut lengths)
  • Umbilical Coils- (Small diameter, long length)
  • Other types of tubes- (Including coupling stock)


  • Sour Gas
  • High Pressure
  • Offshore Wells
  • Arctic Wells
  • API grades for other wells


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