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MTS 7202.T


The MTS 7202.T is equipped  with Micro-Epsilon optoNCDT LL (laser line) sensors, where the oval point-shaped laser beam is widened to a small line via a special cylindrical lens. The received reflected light is averaged using a special software algorithm. The interference caused by lustrous metal is completely filtered out.

The series offers two different precision classes, both based on the laser triangulation technology, and comes with several measuring ranges and two measurement widths.

Due to the high measurement rate the clamp is ideally suited for dynamic processes. A fully-automatic in-situ calibration ensures the measurement to be independent from temperature influences, thus the system can be applied in harsh industrial environments being characterised by permanently providing inline precision.



  • Accuracy from ±1.2µm
  • Measuring range up to 50mm
  • Measuring width up to 500mm
  • Measuring rate up to 49kHz


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