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SIM-MAX G3930 Portal Radiation Monitor


Product Introduction

G3930 is a portal radiation monitor used for detection of luggages and pedestrians. It is equipped with two plastic scintillators which greatly improve the sensitivity. All of the advantages such as fast response, user-friendly software and automatic data saving allow the G3930 to be one of the most convenient portal radiation monitors for luggages and pedestrians at borders, customs, airports, nuclear plants, etc.




1. Large area plastic scintillator gamma detector, 15 liter×2
2. Optional high performance 6LiI(Eu) scintillator neutron detector 
3. Efficiency raised by 30% with dual PMT design
4. Distinguish special nuclear materials from natural occurring radiative materials 
5. Audible & visible alarm indication with adjustable alarm levels
6. Fully compliant with IAEA, GB/T 24246-2009 standard




No. ...........................Gamma......................................Neutron (optional)
Detector..........................15 liter plastic scintillator..............6LiI(Eu) scintillator or Helium-3 Neutron Proportional Counters
Energy range....................20 KeV ~ 3000KeV........................Thermal neutron to 14MeV
Sensitivity........................An increase in 0.04μSv/h against the background level of 0.2μSv/h, alarm in less than 1 second. detection probability: 99.9%
Monitoring region...............0.1- 2 meters height & 1.5 meters width with bilateral detectors
False alarm rate................≤ 0.1%
Communication interface.....wire RJ45
Operation temperature........-20 ºC to 50 ºC
Power supply......................110/220 V AC


Customs; Subway; Nuclear powers; High-speed railways; Borders; Hospitals; Airports; Large-scale activities



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