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EI-5030C Multi-Energy X-ray Security Inspection Equipment


The EI-5030C together with EI-5030A x-ray security machines have achieved the biggest quantity of Eastimage installations. They are similar in features and specifications, except that EI-5030C x-ray security machine has Multi- energy x-ray generator.


Main Features

 Equipped with High-precision X-ray security inspection detectors, making images sharp and clear

 World’s leading pure digital, large scale analog components results in high-speed parallel data acquisition

 Small tunnel design, coupled with the operator authorization control, real time status information, statistical reports and multiple user-friendly configurations

 Advanced image processing platform, providing strong functionality to the operator

 Meet all the applicable laws and regulations with respectable X-ray emitting devices

 Penetration, resolution and other key technical specifications have reached or exceeded the Chinese national standard GB15208-2005



Public Entertainment Places; Public Security System; Government Office; Conference Center; Tourist Places; Border Crossing etc.

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................505 mm?W?×305 mm?H?
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................730 mm
Max. Load................................160 kg?Evenly distributed?
System Noise...........................<60dB?A?
Image Resolution.....................17''LCD 1280×1024

X-Ray Generator

Multi-energy L photoelectric diode array detector

Optional Features

High Density Area Alarm, Black Box, TIP Threat Image Projection, OTP Operator Training Program, One Key To Shutdown, Environment Protection and Energy Saving. 


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