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The AGROSTA® 100Field


The AGROSTA®100Field is a very simple and efficient device, designed with a very strong housing in composite material and stainless steel.


The Agrosta®100Field is composed by a sensor linked to the main housing by a cable. The fruits can be taken and pressed one after each other - It is not necessary to validate, the data is automatically recorded and classified by batches. The average, homogeneity index and standard deviation are provided at the end of a batch All the memory (equivalent to 75 batches of 99 measurements) can be transfered to a PC thanks to COM_FIELD software (1 license for 1 computer provided with any new instrumen


Entirely produced in our company in France, the Agrosta®100Field is dedicated to the measurement of soft fruits and vegetables firmness. Exported to more than 45 countries, it is mainly used for : 1 - Cherries with more than 500 devices in service in the world for this fruit 2 - Tomatoes, the most famous seeds companies like Monsanto, Lipman or Sakata Seeds are using this instrument for their researches 3 - Blueberries fo which the Durofel index provided by the Agrosta is a reference worldwide 4 - Apricots 5 - Plums 7 - Strawberries 8 - Peaches & Nectarines 9 - Olives


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