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Automatic lab scale


From blueberries to grapefruits… via of a punnet of raspberries - You specify the name or reference number for the batch you wish to measure, and the APO_WI® records it. - You place the fruit, one piece at a time, onto the APO_WI®, which automatically records the weight without any need to verify the data. - At the end of each measuring session, you receive your batch statistics: Average, standard deviation, variation coefficient. - The batch is filed away in a database and can be accessed through a date or name search. - You may request print-outs of the comparative graphs, or transfer all data to an Excel-compatible format with just one click of a button. If you simply wish to use the scale without recording any data, just go to the "Laboratory Scale" menu. There you can read your measurements on the screen using the 'tare' function, allowing you to use the receptacle of your choice


Technical features: Capacity: 0 to 1500 grams Memory: 64,000 batches of 64,000 pieces of fruit Accuracy: +/- 0.1 grams Power supply: USB cable Comes with software directions and CD


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