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AU - 2022 Vibrating Strainer (Johnson Type)


This instrument is used for separating shieves and fiber flock from a continuously fed pulp sample. Design approved by the Technical section of the British Paper & Board Industry Federation. 
Average capacity: 5 Kg dried pulp per hour. 
Strainer area 500 X 240mm. 
Screen Slot width 0.20 mm standard
Extra Optional : 
i. Other slot width as per customer requirement.



Strainer plate and collecting tray are made of non corrosive material.

Average capacity equivalent to 5 kg. dried pulp per hour.

Strainer Area 500 X 240 mm.

Standard Strainer plate has 0.15 ± 0.1 mm slit width.

Ecentric drive by cam which accaute spring loaded frame.

The water spraying provide by Nozzeles continously to the screen during operation.

The shive and coarse fiber vibrates and seperates through hoppers and fine pulp pass through the slots and discharge via side outlet.

Motor Drive 0.5 HP 1440 rpm.

Other slots width 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 & 0.50.
Different holes size.

Higher capacity model.

Shipping Data

Net Weight
Gross weight

Ordering Data

Model No.

UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change.


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