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AU - 2021 B Fibre Classifier (Bauer Mc Nett Type)


This Export quality model mounted on stainless steel frame structure complete with all control panel and necessary pulp. Each unit provided with an electric motor and gear box for driving the rotor and is fully self-contained and easily combined in cascade mode. The mesh sizes are available as per TAPPI / OR SCAN standard vacuum cups with vacuum pump and control valve to provide the fiber fractions collected on the filter cloths in dry shape liquid level flow control valve through water flow meter and alarm system. Sequence control timer and alarm system with control panel. 
Extra Optional : Interchangeable screens with frame available for mesh size each screen
10,20, 28, 48, 100, 150 & 200 & other mesh size.



The primary unit has an inlet funnel with an overflow and the nozzle for a constant water flow rate.
Fractionating unit is completely self contained having its own electric motor for the rotor and is made of noncorrosive material.
Fibre collection box with rapid locking device, support wire and suction connection.
Interchangeable screens are available with wire of 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 30, 50, 100 and 200 standard mesh.

Standard wire mesh size 30, 50, 100, 200 as per TAPPI Standard
Standard wire mesh size 28, 48, 100, 200 as per SCAN Standard

The screen frames are clamped spring loaded self clamping system.

Classifier gives a very low spread in the results with a variation coefficient of less than 1%.

Flow speed

: 10 litre/min OR 11.4 liter/min.


: 10 & 20g (oven dried)

Required time for screening

: 20 min.


: 560


: 0.25 HP AC 3 Phase, 60 W per unit.

Extra Optional:
Advance Models are available

Shipping Data

Ordering Data

Net Weight

Model No

Gross weight




UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change


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