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AU - 2008 Pulp Disintegrator


This instrument is used for standardized disintegration of pulp to a homogeneous suspension required for preparation of laboratory hand sheet and other purpose. Pivoted drive unit with stainless steel propeller and shaft. The propeller is driven by electric motor via stepped timing belt, which ensures a direct drive without slippage.

Extra Option: 

  • Mechanical Preset impulse Counter on front panel for setting desired number of revolution.

  • Digital Preset Pulse Counter on front panel for setting desired number of revolution.

  • Pulp Container with Heating Elements and Thermostat control.




: Made of stainless steel container an
   and aluminimum fabricated body


: 2 Litres with for equally spaced spiral baffles.


: The three blade propeller mounted on a vertical shaft as per    standard radius.

Cabinet Type

: Hinged top for quick opening.

Rotational Frequency

: 2975 ± 25 rpm.


: 0.5 KW, 3 Phase, 440V AC

Safety System

: Double Safety System permits start only when drive unit and    vessel are in correct working position.

Applicable Standards

ISO 5263, TAPPI 205/220 SCAN C18/M2, CPPA C6


1. Preset Pulse Counter on front panel for setting desired number of revolution.

2. Pulp Container with Heating Elements, Thermostat and 100% safe insulation.

    The thermostat control is set at 85 0C to maintain constant temperature of stock

UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change


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