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AU - 2007 B Sheet Press


neumatically operated sheet press control Panel with 12 & 6 minutes pressing with adjustable timing for two sequential pressing of sheets. Working pressure 3.5 kg/cm2,Standard Model sheet size dia 165 mm.

Suitable for other size: 160 / 165 / 200 mm diameter.



The press top made of duralumin for rigidity and lightness is secured

by 4 rapid action clamping and release nuts.

Control panel houses two timers – one of 12 min and other of 6 min push button switches and pressure gauge.

Precision air pressure and air flow regulators are housed in the cabinet.

A fail – safe pressure relief valve is fitted to the air storage chamber, which functions automatically if the inlet supply pressure exceeds the maximum.

Press plattens are of stainless steel.

Centering template made of aluminum is supplied to adjust the location of sample sheets

Multi-number samples can be placed simultaneously for pressing.

Working pressure 3.5 Kg/cm2

Pneumatics Type

Control Panel with 12 & 6 minutes timers and start, stop switch.

Valve fitted to Air Storage Container.

Power Supply - 220V, Single Phase 50 Hz

The sheet press is manually operated
and the pressure is generated by
plunger pump is also available. model
UEC-2007 A

Shipping Data

Ordering Data


Net Weight

Model No.


Gross weight





UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change


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