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AU - 2005 C Hand Sheet Former (Semi-Automatic Sheet Former)


Semi-Automated Sheet Former For producing the pulp sheet rapidly for physical strength tests. In comparison to the standard sheet former, this apparatus reduces the time factor, increases the output, improves the reproducibility, reduces the operator's influence and fatigue without effecting to the final product. Stirring in the apparatus is an automatic function by use of compressed air, whilst couching is effected by means of pneumatic fixture. 

Other accessories included : Drying plate & Drying rings. 



Standard Sheet Former with integral pneumatic couching

Suitable for sheet formation of 165 mm diameter

Control cabinet for regulation of filling, air agitation, settling and drainage mounted on a bench stand.

Complete with switch control box accessories to provide 600 KPA air supply to the sheet former and drainage system connection, water inlet supply from tank / fresh water automatically.

Shut off after filling air agitation of stock, setling of the stock immediately following automatic shut off of agitation, drainage commencing automatically at the end of setling cycles and signals when complete. On completion of pneumatic couching, controls reset for next cycle. The solid state timer provide the timing sequence of each steps may be adjustable in seconds, minutes, hour and 10 hours.


Laboratory Blotter GSM 200. Sheetdrying ring, Sheet drying plate,
Punch for trimming sheets 200 cm2 Laboratory Blotting Paper
White Water Recirculation System to be used as a dilution water in sheet forming and
also for chemical recovery and color matching for shade variation.
Extra couch roller at 3.0 ± 0.2 Kg.
Wire removing & fixing attachment for grid plate

Shipping Data

Ordering Data


Net Weight

Model No.


Gross weight





UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change


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