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AU - 1013 Smoothness & Porosity Tester (Bendtsen Type)


The Roughness of paper or similar material is defined as the volume of air that is forced by a specified pressure difference escapes in unit time by passing between the surface of the specimen and flat metal ring resting on a specimen. The values indicates the surface smoothness of graded paper suitable for good print quality. 

A sample is placed on a perfect plane glass plate, measuring head on the test piece and a controlled and low air pressure pass through a flat metal ring and the specimen.

The pressure difference read off/on selected rotameter tube. 

Measuring range: 
50-500ml/min., 300-3000ml/min. 



Measuring range

: Three rotameter tubes ranging from
   5 - 150,
   50 - 500
   300 - 3000 ml/min.

Smoothness / Roughness
Contact Pressure roughness

: 98 kPa by measuring head of weight 267±0.5 gram

Air Pressure

: Through pressure governor consisting of a rotating cylindrical    body and 3 Manostat weights which give constant pressure of    approx. 0.75, 1.5 & 2.25 kPa. Ensures an accurately    regulated constant  air supply.

Air Permenance

: 10 cm2 area
  The mean air flow through an area of 10 cm2 of the test piece   clamp between circular gasket.


: Specially designed reciprocating compressor to provide oil    and dust free air supply at 5.0 atmo spheric pressure before    the governor.

Accessories Included

: Air Permeance measuring Head.
  Face ground glass plate.
  Specially designed compressor electrically operated
  Extra weight for compressibility
  Loading plate with 4 holes for the measuring head to flatten   out stiff paper & board.

Power Supply / Consumption

: 220 / 240 V Single Phase 50 Hz. / 50 W.

Compliance with International Standards
ISO 5636/3, 8791/2, SCAN P21, P60, BS 4420, TAPPI UM 535

Shipping Data

Net Weight
Gross weight

Ordering Data

Model No.

UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change.


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