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AU - 1006 A Paper Strip Cutter


For accurate and rapid preparation of test pieces. UEC-1006 APrecision Sample Cutter - Provided with an automatic clamping 


, which by means of clamping beam, holds the sheet material firmly prior to the cutting action cutting size 210x300mm.Provision for cut the strip sample for tensile test Cutting width 15 mm X 300 mm.

  • UEC-1006 B Precision Test Strip Cutter Provided with adjustable scaling arrangement to cut multi size strips. 

  • UEC-1006 C, Sample Cutter for edge crush test Sample size width 25, 50mm.

  • UEC-1006 D, Precision Triple Shear Cutter For preparation of test pieces towards stiffness test. Cut size: 1½ X 2¾”



All sheet metal fabricated and fitted with hardened and ground high

quality cutting blade thick.

: 4 mm.

Curved sharpened cutting
edge of Blade Cutting Lengh

: 350 mm. ± 10 mm.

Safety Device

: Made of
   transperant plastic

Graduated Scale adjustable
with 1 mm. accuracy
Between blade and front guage

: minimum 10 mm
   maximum 180 mm.

Between blade and back guage

: minimum 40 mm
   maximum 230 mm.

Cutting Width: 15 X 300 mm


UEC products undergo continuous development. The technical data in this catalogue are therefore subject to change


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