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QuantumX MX1609


QuantumX MX1609 and QuantumX MX1609-T - Thermocouple modules including automatic transducer identification

Temperature is the measured quantity number one worldwide – in your application too?

Then rely on MX1609 or MX1609-T now, the stars for reliable and convenient temperature measurement.

MX1609 for K thermocouples and MX1609-T for T thermocouples are part of the QuantumX family and offer many excellent qualities: Reliable temperature measurement – at the same time opening up fascinating new opportunities for your day-to-day measurement tasks.


Test engineers worldwide benefit from HBM’s APM technology (Advanced Plug and Measure) already today: Connect the transducer – and get started immediately. Thanks to their compact design MX1609 and MX1609-T perfectly fit even into the smallest test bench – and thus can be installed very close to your measuring points.

MX1609 and MX1609-T now introduce APM technology into the world of temperature measurement too: The mini - or mini T - thermo-couple connector can be equipped with an identification chip which, however, can also be fitted later.

This chip enables your transducers to be automatically and unambiguously identified by the amplifier as soon as they are connected. The days have long since gone when labels had to be attached to measuring points in a time-con-suming and error-prone process: MX1609 and MX1609-T automatically put your test setups in digital order.

Good for your test results – the shorter the measuring cables, the smaller the influence of interferences. Mini format – and giant performance! Each module provides 16 electrically isolated channels for recording the signals of different thermocouples.

By the way, easily upgradeable: More thermocouple modules can easily be connected to MX1609 and MX1609-T to increase the number of channels in an instant.

MX1609 and MX1609-T are amplifiers for thermocouples that can be connected by Ethernet. Your test data is thus transmitted with virtually no quality loss. The amplifiers provide reliable results, uncompromisingly good. You therefore get increased quality and save time - at an attractive price per amplifier channel.


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