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The MicroLog product line includes a range of low-cost, portable data loggers for supply chain monitoring, featuring internal temperature and humidity sensors with one external input for connection to temperature, current and voltage sensors. With over a decade of customer satisfaction, the MicroLog continues to offer application reliability for a variety of mission critical industries such as cold chain, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and storage.


  • Internal temperature and humidity sensors with high accuracy and resolution
  • Unique patent pending Boomerang feature that automatically creates and emails PDF data report when logger is connected to PC
  • Mini-USB port for PC communication and firmware updates
  • 4-digit data display including minimum/maximum readings, battery and alarm indication
  • External 0 to 20 mA and 0 to 10 V inputs connecting with industry standard sensors
  • Multi-function keypad for manual time stamp, Run/Stop activation
  • Built-in LED for logging and alarm indication
  • View up to 30 days Min/Max data history on LCD screen
  • Stand-alone monitoring with up to 52K sample memory
  • Low power consumption, with up to 2-year battery life, ideal for long-haul monitoring
  • Water and dust resistant enclosure
  • Free DataSuite software for data monitoring, analysis and logger calibration 
  • API for third-party integration


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