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Wood Moisture Meter | Tramex Moisture Encounter


The Tramex Moisture Encounter Plus Non-Destructive Moisture Meter is designed for non-destructive moisture measurement of wood, plaster, drywall, block, brick, roofing and most materials found in the building envelope using 3 ranges of sensitivity and without leaving any marks.

Deep signal penetration detects elevated moisture through most covering materials such as Ceramic tile, Drywall, Carpet, Vinyl Flooring, VCT, Floor Laminates, Wall Coverings, Roofing Membranes and Coatings without having to damage or puncture the materials being tested.

Rubber electrode pads have direct contact with material being tested for better sensitivity and depth of signal penetration.


  • Non-destructive moisture measurement of wood, plaster, drywall, block, brick roofing and most materials found in a building
  • Detects elevated moisture through most covering materials such as ceramic tile, drywall, carpet, floor and wall coverings and coatings without having to damage or make holes
  • Hold reading facility and automatic switch off when not being used
  • Rubber electrode pads in direct contact with material being tested
  • Large, clear, easy-to-read display
  • Deep 1" signal penetration to detect excess moisture in the substrate under a range of covering materials such as drywall, wall coverings, ceramic tiles, PVC and CPT tiles, carpet, etc.
  • Wide range of readings for 5 to 30% for wood and 0 to 100 comparative for other materials
  • Switchable on/off audio warning
  • Default last setting when switched back on



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