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Durometer | AD-100


Available Scales: A, B, C, D, DO, O, OO
Conforms to: ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868 & ISO 7619

The new AD-100 analog durometer is the genesis of years of experience offering high quality Durometers to discriminating users. Featuring an 18mm footer that offers high stability and conforms to all international standards, the AD-100 is the ideal durometer for a wide range of shore hardness measuring applications.

Seven models are available each calibrated for a different Shore scale including; Shore A, Shore B, Shore C, Shore D, Shore DO, Shore O and Shore OO.

The AD-100 displays hardness readings on an easy-to-read analog scale calibrated in 0 to 100 Shore units. An optional MEMORY POINTER holds reading until manually reset, allowing operator to concentrate on measurement task. Also valuable if used in a position where dial is obstructed.

All AD-100 models are supplied in a foam-fitted protective carrying case along with NIST traceable calibration certificate.


  • Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
  • Conforms to ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868 and ISO 7619
  • 18 mm diameter footer provides stable basis for testing and conforms to all International Standards
  • 1-Year Warranty
  • Can be used in any measurement orientation as gravity does not affect readings



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