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Mountz Torque Tester | TSN


TSN is a preset torque wrench that's ideal for maintenance and production applications where over-torque conditions are not tolerated. The use of cam-over wrenches takes the operator influence out of the torque equation and offers more accurate and repeatable results than a standard ‘click’ type wrench.


  • A preset production torque wrench.
  • Tamper-proof internal adjustment. No external adjustment scale - must be preset using a torque analyzer.
  • Fully-supported non-strip ratchet head.
  • Features the new mechanical torque adjustment locking device (M-TALD). An auto locking single key operation prevents tampering.
  • The wrench 'slips' free when preset torque is reached, thus eliminating overtorquing.
  • Non-length dependent.
  • Strong corrosion-resistant stainless steel head, protective coated handle and non-slip rubber grip.
  • ESD compliant (IEC 61340-5-1:1998).


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