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Torque Tester | TT03


The new Series TT03 digital torque gauges are designed for clockwise and counter-clockwise torque testing applications in virtually every industry, with capacities from 10 ozFin to 100 lbFin (7 to 1,150 Ncm). A dedicated remote torque sensor with Jacobs chuck can be used to grip a sample, bit, or fixture. The gauges’ rugged aluminum housing allows for hand-held use or test stand mounting for more sophisticated testing requirements.

Series TT03 features a sampling rate of 2,000 Hz, producing accurate results under a wide range of test conditions. A backlit graphic LCD displays large characters, and a menu is available to access the gauges’ features and configurable parameters. USB output is provided for data collection purposes.

Set point indicators are provided for pass-fail testing. The gauges are overload protected to 150% of capacity, and an analog load bar is shown on the display for graphical representation of applied force.

The gauges include MESURTM Lite data acquisition software. MESURTM Lite tabulates single point data. One-click export to Excel allows for further data manipulation. 


  • Peak memory for clockwise and counter clockwise readings saved and displayed
  • High-speed 2,000 Hz sampling rate
  • Single Reading USB data output
  • Programmable set points with pass/fail indicators
  • Battery or AC operation
  • Configurable audio alarms and key tones
  • Live load bar graphs with set point markers
  • CE mark
  • Made in the USA



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