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Wire Terminal Pull Tester | WTTM


The new Check•Line WTTM Motorized Wire Terminal Pull Test is designed for tensile strength testing of wire terminals in accordance with DIN, EN, BS, IEC, UL, SAE and MIL standards

Its very simple operation allows the users to acquire reliable and reproducible test results: the user inserts the wire terminal into the receptacle adapter, and the open wire end into the combined clamp-pull device. After the protection cover has been closed, the motor starts. The wire will be fixed into position, and then constantly pulled.

Suitable for wires AWG 30 to AWG 8 (diameters from 0.010" to 0.130").


  • Easy to use - with automatic peak value recording, very high accuracy and reproducibility of measurement results
  • Selectable pull rates of 1 to 10 inches/min (25 to 250 mm/min)
  • Supplied with FREE Data Transfer program and serial cable
  • Includes Traceable Calibration Certificate


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