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LED Stroboscope | ESL-100


The brightest, hand held, fully featured LED stroboscope in a compact design. The ESL-100 series LED stroboscope is designed to measure the speed of rotating or cycling linear motion objects without contact or reflective tape, as well as freeze motion visually. Lifetime LED lights using pulse width modulation, encased in an aluminum housing, and powered by a NiMH rechargeable battery, make this pocket strobe extremely durable and capable of high flash rates. The ESL-100 is an ideal inspection strobe for for speed, motion and vibration analysis, such as rotating shafts, fans, cams, etc.

Adjustable Flash Duration

For most applications standard flash duration works without adjustment. For utra high rpm or larger objects rotating with high surface speed, ESL-100 features adjustable flash duration.
For ultra high speed applications, objects may move during the brief period of a single flash, resulting in a blurred image. By decreasing flash duration, objects have less time to move and the image will appear sharper.


  • High efficiency LED solid-state light source – never needs replacement like traditional xenon lamps.
  • Extended battery life of 10 hours continuous use at 6,000 fpm/rpm
  • Pulse Width Modulation for sharp images at high speed
  • Highly stable drift free operation
  • Auto wide measuring range – up to 120,000 fpm/rpm (over 100,000 display flashes)
  • Push button operation with x2 and ÷2 buttons for easy and precise adjustment
  • 359° Digital phase shift adjustment by 1° increments
  • Store up to 19 flash rates in memory for records or quick retests (Restarts at the last flash rate)
  • Includes NIST Traceable Calibration Cert
  • ET-1 External Trigger Kit is optionally available includes external sensor and AC-Adapter for auto synchronization of strobe



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