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LED Stroboscope | DS-2000LED


Measuring Range: 30 - 300,000 FPM (5000Hz, max)
Flash Brightness: 1500 Lux (@ 6000 FPM)

Designed for maximum performance, portability and ease of use, the DS-2000LED is a hand-held battery powered LED Digital Stroboscope for use in speed measurement as well as for motion analysis. It is fitted with seven (7) state-of-the-art, super-bright LEDs mounted in a precision-machined aluminum head with optimized optics, providing the highest light output of similar strobes on the market.

The DS-2000LED can operate even at the highest flash rates for up to six hours continuously on a single set of three (3) standard AA-batteries . Keypad controls adjust flash rate in single increments as well as special keys for 2X and ÷2 functions. Other user-programmable settings include flash duration, phase shift, delay and much more.

Supplied in a high-impact plastic with rubber protective sleeve providing additional protection as well as improved grip for the operator. Lifetime LEDs do not wear-out or need replacement making this product ideal for use on the factory floor, in the field or in the laboratory. Applications include ideal for speed, motion and vibration analysis, on rotating shafts, fans, cams, hi-speed motion analysis for speakers or ink-jet printing and more.


  • Produces the brightest flash and sharpest image over the entire range to 300,000 FPM
  • Lifetime LEDs do not wear-out or need replacement
  • NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate provided
  • Three (3) AA-Batteries provide six hours of continuous use operation
  • Market-leading 1500 Lux brightness (measured at 6000 fpm at a distance of 20 cm)
  • Intuitive controls allow user to quickly adjust flash rate and shift phase
  • External Trigger Input/Output is optionally available. Specify model DS-2000LED-OT
  • User-selected units of Hz or FPM (Flashes Per Minute)
  • 2-Year warranty
  • IP 65 rated housing provides protection from water jets



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