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Spectrometer | NAP7800


NAP7800 modern Spectrometer specialized for testing precious metals could be an ideal instrument for testing purity of precious metals. This is a powerful software along with inbuilt computer thererfore all the analyzis could be done at once.


  • Size and Weight:  500*500*400mm/MAX:48Kg
  • Test time:        30?200S
  • Analysis Elements: Au ?Ag ?pt ?Pd?Rh ?Ru ?Cu?Zn ?Ni?Cd?In
  • Analysis Range:  1%?99.99%
  • Test point dimension:1?2mm
  • Sample Chamber Size: 0?90 mm
  • Test Precision:   +/-0.1% The Precision could keep 0.1? after several repeated test
  • High Pressure Template:4?50Kv
  • X-Ray Source:   Mo Material X-ray light tube( Wind Cool, No radiation)
  • Max. Power:    120W
  • Detector:       Hermitic Proportional Counter with Micro processor
  • Coated layer measurement: Coated layer thickness Range <30μm.Eight fans of the circulatory system, Temperature control system can protect themselves


Product uniqueness

1.XRF Version 3.0 menu mode is adopted with parameter setting, data inspection and calculation.Both of English and Chinese version are available

2.Testing time is fixed by the program to improve the capability and efficiency, without assistance

3.The self-protection technology is able to enhance the consumption life of the X-ray tube. Warm-up and anti interference procedure is controlled by the program, to reduce the interference by the reflected X-ray and the spectrums, to add the accuracy and stability.

4.Optional colors for different elements will help to distinguish the interested elements clearly and conveniently. When the testing is over, the testing report will be shown timely.


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