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Digital Hand-Held Tension Meter | KXE


The KXE Warp Tension Meter is designed to measure tensions during warping and weaving. The unique sensor configuration provided two 25 mm wide cylindrical roller for the capture of two groups of yarns, one on each side of the sensor for measurement. Therefore the sensor will be measuring 50 mm of ends while the process is running. The electronic indicator provides for measurement and storage of the critical high and low peaks that will be measuring in the weaving operation. These peaks can them be analyzed and used for process evaluation. Stored data can be transferred to a PC and analyzed using the FREE Tension Inspect software.


  • Portable measuring head to measure yarn groups of weaving and warping machines
  • The sensor can easily be engaged or disengaged also while the machine is running
  • Storage of last, average, Max, MIN, PEAK-MAX, PEAK-MIN tension values during an operator set measuring period
  • 4 different memory modes can be selected by the operator:
    • Mode S: only statistical values per series are displayed
    • Mode L: statistics plus 10 displayed values of each series of measurement
    • Mode C: statistics plus 4000 displayed values arbitrary splited up to 255 series
    • Mode F: as C plus higher sampling rate of 100 Hz = values/s
  • LCD display with illuminated backgroud for better reading
  • Adjustable electronic damping for better reading when tension is constantly changing
  • Constant measuring width at the yarn group of 50 mm by catch thread system
  • Display of the tension meter can be reversed for right and left hand use to reach all measuring positions easily
  • 2 interfaces:
    • Serial Interface: (RS 232) for connecting to a PC
    • Analog Interface: (0 - 2 V) for connecting to a line recorder
  • Memory of max. 4000 displayed tension values split up to 255 series of measurements and statistics (Last, AVG, MIN and MAX of displayed values, MIN-PEAK and MAX-PEAK are values measured within a measuring frequency of 5 kHz)



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