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Digital Hand-Held Tension Meter | CBM


The new Cable Bull CBM Cable Tension Meter is a technical innovation for mobile tension measurement. The unique design allows for measurement for any material diameter between 4 up to 16mm without custom programming or setup.
CBM-SR12 for sample diameters from 4 up to 12mm CBM-SR16 for sample diameters from 8 up to 16 mm

Designed for measuring wires & cables that are anchored/fixed at both ends (closed system) such as guy wires, support cables, tethers and more. Also commonly used on Kevlar, fiberglass and other hi-strength materials when used in a similar applications. This CBM can also be considered a Rope Tension Meter designed to measure the static tension in wire ropes, cables, belts, ...

The 136-3E employs a unique roller configuration and measurement scheme to minimize the deflection of the wire/cable. The total wrap angle of the material over the center sensing roller is 3 degrees eliminating all measurement errors! Applications include elevator load measuring, tension equalization in elevator ropes, rope sets, service lifts inside wind turbine systems, tensioning, protecting cranes and hoists from overload, tension measurement in stay ropes / cables, suspension ropes and railway catenary ropes, vehicle pull test, for safe loading in material handling, load securing control, tension control of lashing straps, equalize loadings on multi cable assemblies, and much more.


  • No calibration or programming required
  • Sophisticated roller geometry allows the CBM to measure with an error of less than 1%.
  • Choice of "front side" or "rear side" position of Lever-Lock mechanism which opens and closes the measuring system
  • High precision fabrication from Stainless Steel and Aluminum for trouble-free use even in the toughest in-field applications
  • Connects to lightweight, battery-powered tension indicator for maximum portability and ease of use


Tension Range



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