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Stroboscope | DT-900


The DT-900Pocket Strobe™ is a highly stable instrument for taking non-contact RPM measurements and inspecting moving parts by “freezing” or “slowing down” the action.

The DT-900 requires only one hand to operate, yet delivers performance comparable to much larger and heavier “pistol-grip” type models.

The DT-900 is ideal for industrial, laboratory, R&D and academic environments. Its small size and excellent performance provide superior convenience and value — at a reasonable price.

The DT-900 Techstrobe series is offered in various configurations to fit the exact needs of the user. Models include DT-900, DT-900-TR , DT-900-UT, DT-900-PR and DT-900-UP. Refer to the BUY NOW section below for complete details and prices.
Also known as SKF TMRS


  • Easy to use with just one hand.
  • "LOW BAT"appears in the display if the energy becomes less.
  • Resolution of 0.1 Flashes per minute.
  • The changeable NiMH battery powers the stroboscope 1-2,5 hours.
  • NIST-Traceable calibration certificate & test report optionally available
  • "Universal" Battery Charger is supplied on "-UT" and "-UP" versions for use anywhere Worldwide on 100-265 VAC



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