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150 A AC clamp-on ammeter MINI 09


Small, compact and particularly resistant, this range of
miniature clamps is designed for measurements from a
few milli-amperes to 150 A ac. Their shape makes them
very practical in confined spaces, such as circuit-breaker
boards, control panels or control boxes. They are ideal
for use with multimeters.


There are two types of MINI clamps.
The first type operates like a traditional current transformer
and provides a current output (mA) which can be used
with multimeters, loggers or instruments with current


The second provides a voltage output proportional to the
current measured.
This voltage output enables instruments with AC voltage
calibres to display or store current values.
There is also a model with a DC voltage output.
The MINI clamps give True RMS results when used with
a True RMS instrument.


- 600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV
- Pengukuran rasio 1.000 / 1
- Output melalui memimpin dengan keselamatan konektor, diam. 4 mm
- Mudah dibaca: 1 mA Output AC untuk 1 A AC diukur


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